Thursday, January 24, 2013

Designing for the Digital-Savvy Student

I just learned the other day that an education workshop I proposed regarding Learning Environment Design has been approved, and is being marked for late March / early April.  That is wonderful!  I think that there is not enough conversation and attention given to learning environment design.  I think this area will be very important in any school reform.  Students are wired differently than they were 10-15 years ago.  Because of this, we must create learning environments that mesh with how they learn in order to maximize the educational experience.  While I often see literature that discusses how students are wired differently and are more digital savvy than ever before, I have not seen much literature that talks about how to design learning environments that take advantage of this.

One of my favorite books that touches on this is Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology by Richard Halverson and Allan Collins.  They talk about how technology has forced us to a point where we have to seriously look at what education was, and what it needs to become, in order to help students of today learn.  I recommend this book for everyone who is interested in looking more into the phenomenon of student learning in an increasingly digital world.

This interview from one of the authors, Richard Halverson, expands on the subject below.  He makes some good points and brings up important issues that those of us interested in learning environment design need to be aware of.  Enjoy:

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