Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank You.

It's all done.  Last Saturday I participated in the GSE Commencement, and this past Monday I participated in the University Commencement.  My classes are done, my grades are in, and it's all over.

I'm a Master's Graduate!

Three years ago when I first entered Penn GSE, I did not know what to expect.  I just knew that I had to finish.  It has not been easy at all, but it has been fulfilling.  Along the way I got married, continued working at Penn, and was able to participate in some great events and meet some wonderful people.

But while this is the end of one chapter, it is only the beginning of the next.

So for all of you who have been following along, I thank you for taking the journey with me.  Although this blog will no longer be for Penn GSE Admissions, I am going to keep writing as I head to the next phase of my life.  So please, feel free to stay tuned!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me get here, and thank you to Penn as an institution, and to the wonderful Penn GSE for being my educational home for the past three years.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Three Weeks to Go

One (online) class session and one more paper to go.

It's almost done.

This year has been a blast! I also feel like, for the most part, it hasn't gone by too quickly; the pacing has been just right.  The last few weeks however have flown by faster than the speed of light!  I'd say these last few weeks have been a blur. 

So soon I'll no longer be the part-time student/full-time employee hybrid I've been for the past 3 years.  While that is a bit of loss identity-wise, it is a cause for much joy as I move on to the next chapter of life.  What will it bring?  I know that I want to continue learning, that's for sure.  I want to continue writing and reading, and thinking about how we can best use technology for learning in and out of the classroom.  Can all of this be done outside of grad school?  I think so!  Only one way to find out, huh?

Three weeks until the big day.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Course Work Example; Digital Literacies Class

Here's an example of some of the cool work we're doing in our Digital Literacies course.  We had to create a map that told a story.  Maps can be used as a platform for storytelling (for a cool example, check out this blog).  Of course I never thought of maps in this way before, but it's totally true!  So I decided to draw a map of my office in the Sociology department where I work, and plot what I think is usually communicated based on where a visitor in my office stands:

As you can see in the key below the map, where a person locates him or herself is normally tied into the urgency and length of the issue at hand.  Also, the radius-like thing I draw on each circle represents the person's range of vision (meaning that I, in a chair that rolls, adjust where I'm located to align with that range). This is not anything that's planned, it's just a pattern I've noticed over the course of the past year I've been in my office.  

If someone ends up in Position 4, I know that whatever matter at hand is probably something that needs to be handled as quickly as possible.  But if someone only comes to Position X, they may just want to say hi or ask a quick question.  They also may feel like they don't want to "intrude" into the office (although I don't feel like anyone's intruding; so come on in!).  

Position 1 may be a little more complex than a quick hi or quick question. What's said in Position 2 may not be more complex than Position 1, but may be longer (someone saying hi and then maybe asking a bit more about how things are going, or someone needing clarification on a couple of issues).  

Position 3, which is a seat on a plush chair in my office, means we may get engaged in a bit of conversation.  

Finally, visiting speakers are usually the only ones that go to Position Y as they give me their belongings to hold on to while they go through their day (I usually put the belongings where the clothes stand is).

I used Classroom Architect to help make the map and then wrote the positions and the key.  I think it's interesting we looked into this as part of our Digital Literacies class, as it really breaks down - once again - that the concept of literacy can and should be applied across so many mediums and platforms.  It's not just about books, that's for sure!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Interview with Nikki Adeli, High School Junior from Science Leadership Academy

The 2014 TEDx Philadelphia conference was a sight to behold.  A diverse array of speakers enlightened the sold-out crowd of 1000+ at the Temple Performing Arts Center.  But there was one speaker - the youngest one in TEDx Philadelphia history - who electrified like none other.

Nikki Adeli, a high school junior at Philadelphia's Science Leadership Academy, captivated the audience as she called for the adults of today to believe in her generation.  As Youth Commissioner to Mayor Michael Nutter, and Vice President of the School District of Philadelphia Student Government (among other leadership roles), Nikki serves as a shining example of what the teenagers of today have to offer.

I was able to catch up with Nikki to ask her about her TEDxPhilly talk, and her views on education from the perspective of a teenage student (for all you future educators out there). 

MTW: Your TEDxPhilly talk drew a standing ovation from the audience.  How did the experience feel?

NA: Haha, I wish actually got to see it! I was so worried to get off stage on time for the next speaker to present that I didn't even see the standing ovation! However, after my mom told me it happened, I was delighted!

MTW: Did you feel any pressure being the youngest person to ever speak at at a TEDxPhilly conference?  

NA: Not really. In all honesty, I don't remember being nervous before or during the talk. I think it's due to the fact that I truly believe in the concepts I spoke about in my talk that it all came naturally; as if I was having a conversation with someone, over lunch, about education.

MTW: You said at the end of your talk, “Invest in teens and the future will take care of itself.”  What steps can educational institutions take to invest in teens?  

NA: In my opinion, every single teenager has the ability to become a leader in his or her community. We all already have a fire of interest within us, something we are passionate about. However, that fire of interest needs to be ignited by a match. The match is the teacher. The match is the principal. The match could be any adult in that school. However, to be the match, there not only needs to be an investment of funding and resources - which a multitude of institutions lack - but also time and belief. Time that isn't just given during a class instruction, but also outside of the classroom, after school, and on the weekend. When time is set aside to get to know what a student is passionate about, the investment of belief follows immediately like a chain reaction.

In addition, there needs to be a change in school climate to a climate that fosters student voice.

MTW: How can we empower teens to, as you mention in your talk, be the leaders of today (and not just the leaders of tomorrow)?

NA: I cannot urge enough how important student voice is. I feel as though there is a silent epidemic of voiceless students. There is a lack of student voice in so many classrooms and districts that it forbids students from becoming engaged in their own learning and education. Therefore, the way to empower students is by incorporating us into the conversations that relate to our education. Whether it’s about funding or reforming how we learn in the classroom, we are the ones going to school 180 days of the year; our opinions and experiences are the most important on the decision. If students were told in their teenage years that their voice mattered, that would empower us to speak up not only in school but in our own communities to create positive change.

MTW: For those who are pursuing a career in education, what do you think they should keep in mind regarding the students they will eventually teach?

NA: Two things:
  1. The student sitting in front of you and the student next to him and the student sitting behind her, are all extraordinary in their own special ways. Each one of their unique characteristics will be essential to bettering society. One of the privileges you will have as a teacher is to help them discover that uniqueness and guide them in the right direction so that they can blossom one day into who they are truly meant to be: themselves. Not what other people tell them to be based on THEIR definition of what success is, or from set standards that a person of higher rank told you they are to meet to be successful. A successful student is one who knows what type of positive impact they want to make as themselves.
  2. Growing up, I’ve had numerous teachers, when I asked them a question, “answer” the question by saying “Were you not listening? I’m not going to repeat myself” or “Just read the handout and you’ll understand.” Never question a student for a question they have asked AND don’t let their peers question them either. Asking questions are a sign of curiosity. Don’t shut down the curiosity! 
MTW: What’s next for you? I think I saw a tweet from someone saying you should run for mayor...

That was one of my favorite tweets that I got that day. As flattering as that is, for now I'm going to continue my efforts, as a Philadelphia Youth Commissioner, to create a resolution that allows for students during their school week to intern and/or volunteer somewhere in the city that they are interested in. Places like hospitals, law firms, elementary schools, or even a cupcake shop. This will not only help students become leaders in their own community, but it will also help students apply what they are learning in school to the real world.


While Nikki has not yet determined her career path, she is really interested in medicine and international relations and hopes to find common ground between them.  And it's not all work for Nikki; she loves to play ultimate frisbee!

You can follow Nikki Adeli on Twitter: @nikkiadeli

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thoughts from TEDx Philadelphia

Last Friday I had the pleasure of volunteering for the TEDx Philadelphia conference at the Temple Performance Arts Center.  This was my first true TED experience.  I had briefly attended a couple of talks at TEDx Penn about 2 years ago, but last Friday I really got the full experience from beginning to (almost) end.

The very recognizable "X" from the TEDx Philadelphia Conference

These TED conferences are packaged nicely.  Everything feels specially crafted, from the programs to the name badges.  And then of course there are the actual talks.  The trademark "small, intimate setting to share large ideas" platform is really cool.  I saw 4 talks and the two that really blew me away were Nikki Adeli from Science Leadership Academy, and Simran Sadhu from Youth Build Charter School.  Nikki, a 17 year old student, did an awesome job talking about how adults need to invest in and trust the youth of today.  Simran, the Executive Director of YouthBuild, was full of energy while describing some of the amazing projects the charter school had completed.

I had a great time volunteering and got to meet some great people who also took their time to help the cause.  I hope all of us stay in touch at least every now and then; it's so important for us "millennials" or whatever we're called to encourage each other as we try to contribute to Philly. 

There were some great energy at this conference that I hope we can emulate in our ReThink Philly EdTech conference that I'm co-organizing and hosting (April 10!  Be there!).  Indeed, the TED experience was very impressive, and I hope that our city can carry the enthusiasm into the rest of the year and beyond.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Soooo I'm About to Hit Send...

I have been thinking about and working on this Master's paper for almost 3 years.

Three years!

And now I am just a couple of hours away from sending it off in an email to my program manager.

What an odd feeling.  I mean, don't get me wrong, it feels great.  But like I said, I have been at least thinking about this paper for quite some time.  It's the longest I've ever had to work on single project.  So to let it go will be...bittersweet?

My pastor today, out of the blue, prayed for me that I would be able to let this paper go.  I think he knows the type of person I am... I will check and recheck and recheck something I write until the cows come home.  But it's time to let go.  It's time to put this work out into the world and hope that I communicated the message I tried to communicate.

So with that I say goodbye Master's paper.  Combining this with the fact that I picked up my regalia this past Friday and it's starting to hit me -

My time as a student in GSE is almost over.

But there is still some time to go.  So thank you for being here along the way, and I hope you enjoy as I - or actually, we - head to the finish line.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Getting the Most out of Your Graduate School Experience

Perhaps the biggest piece of advice I can give to prospective GSE students:

Penn GSE is a terrific school.  No doubt about it.  One of the great things about the school is the platform it gives you to explore your interests and desires.  I feel like whatever you want to do, whatever project you want to start or whatever other ideas you may have, as a Penn GSE student you can probably make it happen.  With world-renowned faculty and brilliant, energetic students, if you can envision yourself doing something, you can do it.  It's just a matter of researching what's out there, and reaching out to the right people.

Graduate School is about more than getting to this hat.

But please keep in mind: you have to make it happen.  You have to decide what you want to get out of the graduate experience, think of what you need to do to make it happen, and then try to make it happen. So if you are on your way to Penn GSE, make sure you take some time to figure out what you really want from graduate school; especially if you're joining one of our programs that only last a year.  Taking time to figure out what you want from graduate school before the first day of classes will give you a head start towards a fulfilling graduate experience. 

So ask yourself: What experiences do you want to have?  What skills do you want to gain?  What kind of projects do you want to get involved in?

I've been a lucky guy.  Penn GSE has given me a tremendous platform and I have been able to explore my interests in educational technology for the past 3 years (but a lot more the past year or so).  In just the past 2 weeks I've:

Presented at a conference in Baltimore on MOOCs
Taught a seminar about 21st Century learning environment design to Penn undergraduates
Participated in an education conference and led a roundtable discussion about online learning

In the next month or so, I'll:

Observe a classroom as part of a Penn GSE research project
Teach a seminar to Penn GSE students regarding maximizing their internships
Organize a conference in April for Philly Tech Week, ReThink Philly EdTech (not a Penn thing but I got involved based on my studies at Penn)

I've truly been able to get involved in a lot of great things, stemming from my standing as a Penn GSE student.  But it took me some time to "figure it all out."  As a part-time student, I had the luxury of being here for a little while, so I figured things out during my time here.  But you can do it before you step foot on campus!  What do you like to do, and how can you envision it happening at Penn GSE?  Because if you can envision it, I truly believe at Penn GSE, you can make it happen.

Photo from

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Joy of Online Learning

For the last course in my Master's program at GSE, I am actually taking an online class on Digital Literacies.  Let me say that it's exciting to take a fully-online course for credit.  The course is very cool, discussing a topic that I'm passionate about.  

The Wonder that is Online Learning

What's interesting is that I have been doing research on online learning and xMOOCs for my Master's Paper.  I recently presented at the Eastern Sociological Society meetings and will be talking about the subject a bit more in the weeks to come.  One of the big things I drew from the literature on these topics is the TIME factor.  How do you make sure to set aside enough time to successfully participate in online courses?

Right now, I'm trying to figure out the best balance between life and participating in the online course. This is a new and interesting challenge for me.  The thing I realize I need to do is not approach this class in the exact same way I've approached face-to-face classes.  Online courses are their own entities and require a slightly different kind of attention.  So instead, I'll spend some time reflecting on what this course will need from me for successful participation, and then structure my life so that I can make it happen.

So for those of you future Penn GSE students, if more online courses are offered and you take them, I recommend that you spend the beginning of the course really considering what the course will need from you, and then manage your time, organize, and prioritize accordingly.  

So that's my lesson for today.  I have an online course I have to get back to!

Image from:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Philly - Winter Wonderland!

For those of you who are thinking of coming to Penn, an extra bonus of coming to the city of Philadelphia is the weather.  Now I know normally people think about the consistent sun of, say, Miami, and think that's the way to go.  But then you miss out on some of the goodness of certain things like a nice snowfall.  

Part of the snowy scene at Penn

Snow really is a beautiful sight.  Yes you have to be careful in it, but sometimes snow seems like a gift from Mother Nature!  You can do so much with it - have snowball fights, sled down the Art Museum steps, make a snowman.  It's great for photos and even television - one of the best NFL games this year was the Eagles/Lions played here at Lincoln Financial Field, which was played in a lot of snow and was a treat to watch.  I envy those who were actually at the game!

Nonetheless, for those of you who have never seen snow, it's a sight to behold.  When I was young, I loved it.  As I got a little older (post-undergrad days), I think I started to take it for granted.  But these days, I (and I know others) stare in awe at such a wonder and realize how beautiful it really is.  And if you join us at Penn, I'm excited that you'll be able to witness such wonder as well.

Photo from UPenn Twitter: